Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Sir Fulke Greville, Baron Brooke 1620: Sonnet IV
YOU little starres that liue in skyes,
And glory in Apollo's glorie ;
In whose aspects conjoinèd lyes
The heauen's will and Nature's storie,
Ioy to be likened to those eyes :
Which eyes make all eyes glad or sorie ;
For when you force thoughts from aboue,
These ouer-rule your force by LOUE.
And thou, ô LOUE, which in these eyes
Hast married Reason with Affection,
And made them saints of Beautie's skyes,
Where ioyes are shadowes of perfection ;
Lend me thy wings that I may rise
Vp not by worth but thy election ;
For I haue vow'd in strangest fashion,
To loue, and neuer seeke compassion.